Hyundai Getz Prime

₹ 136,000

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Details of the used car

Car ModelHyundai Getz
Contact PersonSyed_Ali
Contact number94898#43313
Posted byDealer
Fuel typePetrol
State or CityTamil Nadu

Description of the used car

Hyundai Gets petrol singel owner km 17

chill Ac DVD player aux cable c looking

887O88O522 887O88O454

WhatsApp number 94898#43313


Aux Compatibility: Yes

Interior color: Red

Insurance Type: Comprehensive

Registration Place: TN

Power steering: Yes

Color: Red

Insurance: Yes

Condition: Used

Registration Transfer: Yes

Fog Lamps: Yes

No. of Owners: First

Variant: Getz Prime 1.3 GLX

Number of Airbags: None

Bluetooth: Yes

Exchange: Yes

Type of Car: Luxury

AM/FM Radio: Yes

USB Compatibility: Yes

Transmission: Manual

Adjustable External Mirror: Manual

Make Month: July

Lock System: Central

Engine Capacity/Displacement (in Cc): 13

Air Conditioning: With Heater

October 4, 2019 1:00 pm

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