With the evolution of technology, selling a used car at the appropriate price is not a difficult job. At the same time, a buyer would certainly like to inspect a car in person before finalising its purchase. The following steps can help in gaining the buyer’s confidence, thereby ensuring a fair deal.
Before making the sale of a second hand car
It would be most profitable to conduct sale of used car on one’s own, as brokers charge a heavy price (2 % of selling price) and dealers buy it cheaply in order to sell it later at a high price. Minor repairs such as torn upholstery, blown fuses and broken lights should be heeded to. Vital information such as Year of manufacture and registration, state of registration, number of owners, kilometres covered, interior and exterior colours, mileage, warranty and insurance should be sent across before to potential buyers.
Interacting with a buyer of a second hand car
The price quoted must not be too high so as to deter the buyer from considering, but some room can be left for bargaining. Know how to manage time and focus only on serious buyers, as many would be time -wasters. Buyers must always be accompanied by you or a representative while going for a test run.
Handing over necessary documents
Documents such as Form no. 28, 29, 30, Delivery note, Registration certificate, RTO documents, Insurance policy, owner’s manual, Warranty papers, Service history, Car Invoice, PUC and duplicate car keys need to be handed over to the buyer. You also need to collect a photo ID from the buyer, confirming the sale.
After completion of sale
Once sale of second hand car has been completed, the RTO for your registration must be informed within 14 days of ownership transfer. It is also advisable to inform the insurance company, so that chances of false claim are eliminated.